Run Now, Gobble Later!
Race Day FAQs
When is the Turkey Trot 5k?
The race will be on Thanksgiving morning (November 24) at 8:30 am.
Where is the race?
The race starts at the Sunnyside Christian Reformed Church (700 N 16th Street, Sunnyside WA 98944) and weaves throughout the surrounding schools. Be prepared for some off road / country running. This is a Turkey Trot, after all!
Can I do same day registration?
Yes! We are able to accept in person registrations on Thanksgiving. We do want you to be aware that there is no guarantee there will be correct t-shirt sizes available if registering later than Nov. 10.
How is the race being timed?
Great question! We will be using Webscorer to track the times of all our racers who have their bibs visable. Times will be available and posted on Thanksgiving evening.
Will there be awards for the in person race?
Absolutely! The first, second, and third finishers from the men, women, and children's category will receive a prize.
Additionally - the best dressed turkey trotter will receive a prize prior to the start of the race.
How do I get my packet?
Packets can be picked at SCCC on Wednesday, November 23.